Check out what's currently in stock at the
Nosh Nook!
Lois Millman is now running the office and the Nosh Nook
If you want to meet her at the JCC to purchase any of these items, just give her a call at 604-716-3948!
In the Cabinet:
Achva Tahini 500 grams
Israeli Lior Kosher seal salt 500 grams
Gold’s Borsht 24 oz.
Kedem Grape Juice 650 ml
Kedem Sparkling Grape Juice 850 ml
Matzoh Ball Mix (gluten free) 5 oz.
Matzoh Meal 16 oz.
Potato Latke mix 6 oz.
Bissli chips 70 gm
Wafers, Lemon or Chocolate
Shabbat Candles pkg. Of 10
Yahrzeit Candles 24 hour
Yahrzeit Candles 7 day
Havdallah Candles
Assorted Cards
Kiddush Cup & tray, silver plated
In the Fridge
Pickles: Nathan’s or Putter’s 1litre
Beet horseradish
In the Freezer
Ungar’s Gefilte Fish 567 grams
Honey Cake 425 grams
*Ask us about items you want to see in the store and we'll try our best to get them for you.
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